A Homeless Management Information System (HMIS) is a local information technology system used to collect client-level data and data on the provision of housing and services to homeless individuals and families and persons at risk of homelessness. Each Continuum of Care (CoC) is responsible for selecting an HMIS software solution that complies with HUD’s data collection, management, and reporting standards.

HMIS Calendar of Events

HMIS Resources


To visit the Clarity Human Services Help Center for searchable articles, click here! Or see below for updated links directly to commonly asked questions from agency providers. 

Want in-person training? Need a refresher on running reports? Need help completing annual assessments? Feel free to send an email to our to have one scheduled.

Quick Links
Clarity Human Services HMIS End User Manual
How do I create a new client?
How do I add a family/household and manage members?
How do I enroll a client/household into a program?
How do I enter a service item for a client?
How do I add case notes to a client record?
How do I exit a client from a program?
How do I document when a client is deceased?
How do I add case notes to a client record?
How do I remove a staff member from our program?
HMIS Reporting Cheat Sheet

HMIS Clarity Enrollment Checklist
Bitfocus HMIS Training
Data Analysis and Reporting Training for Agencies
APR Training Recording
APR Training Powerpoint

HMIS Annual Training PowerPoints


Families & Individuals

HMIS Data Quality

Click here to view our data quality webpage!

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